2020-01 期刊論文發表 Journal Paper Published
Lin, M. S.-H. (2020). Some discussions on static and dynamic spatial expressions in Czech and Chinese. Studies in Applied Linguistics(Studie z aplikované lingvistiky) special issue, 71-87.
This study aims to present a comprehensive overview on Taiwanese Chinese-speaking students’ acquisition of static and dynamic spatial expressions in the Czech language, and to investigate the transfer and interference from their L1. It is assumed that this study can not only present and com- pare how these two languages express the spatial expressions, but also propose how to solve obstacles in L2 acquisition.
This study will apply not only a qualitative but also a quantitative contrastive study of spatial expressions in Czech and Chinese, in an attempt to find out all the related patterns developed. This requires empirical analysis of some databases of authentic texts, mainly the error evidence provided during SLA. With the benefit of this insight, i.e. the typical error patterns found in learners’ interlanguage, a more complete interpretation of the semantic concepts in the target languages is to be concluded.