Škodová, S. & Lin, M. S.-H. (2024, September). “Motion Verbs in the Second/Foreign Language Acquisition of Czech: A corpus-based study on non-native speakers of Czech with Chinese L1”, Learner Corpus Research Conference, University of Tartu.
Lin, M. S.-H. (2024, August). “How L1 Chinese learn the Czech language: The case of Czech instrumental”, XI International Symposium on Czech as a Foreign Language, Charles University.
Lin, M. S.-H. (2024, July). “Challenges in teaching and learning Czech in a Chinese context”, The 10th International Conference on Language, Culture, and Mind: Celebrating Linguistic and Cultural Diversity, Masaryk University.
Lin, M. S.-H., Yeh, H.-L., Lin, Y.-L. & Lu, A. (2024, February). “Some about NCCU Learner Corpus of Slavic Languages (LCSL)”, International Colloquium Errare humanum est, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University; Slovak Academy Sciences.
徐嘉慧,林蒔慧,葉相林。「學習者語料庫與跨語言探討」專題演講。政治大學外語學院,2024年3月4日。Chui, K., Lin, M. S.-H. & Yeh, H.-L. Lecture: “Learner Corpora and Cross-Linguistic Studies”. College of Foreign Languages & Literature, National Chengchi University. March 4, 2024.
Yeh, H.-L. (2023, September). “Особенности порядка слов в устной речи на русском языке как иностранном”. XV Конгресс МАПРЯЛ «Русский язык и литература в меняющемся мире» (“Word order features of non-native Russian oral speech”, XV MAPRYAL Congress “Russian Language and Literature in the Changing World”). СПб.
Lin, M. S.-H. & Šebesta, K. (2023). Czech instrumentals as shell nouns in L2 pedagogy. Journal of Slavic Languages, 28(1), 61-81. (KCI)
Lin, M. S.-H. (2023). Pragmatické užití instrumentálu v češtině: z hlediska L2 pedagogiky (Pragmatic Uses of Czech Instrumentals: From the Perspective of L2 Pedagogy). Taipei: Royal Orchid International.
Lin, M. S.-H. (2022, September). “Pragmatic uses of Czech Instrumentals”. The 17th Slavic Linguistic Society Annual Meeting (SLS-17), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
Lin, M. S.-H. (2022, August). “Cíl or Cílem: Another challenge for learners of Czech”. International Conference Czech and Other Languages (ČesKo), Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.
Lin, M. S.-H. (2021, August). “The prominence of Aspect in Czech and Chinese – A learner corpus-based study”. The X. International Symposium on Czech as a Foreign Language, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.
Lin, M. S.-H., Yeh, H. & Lin, Y. (2021, August). “NCCU Learner Corpus of Slavic Languages (LCSL)”. The X. International Symposium on Czech as a Foreign Language, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.
Lin, M. S.-H., Chui, K. & Yeh, H.-L. (2021, August). “A cross-linguistic study of DO-constructions in Mandarin Chinese, Russian, and Czech”. 10th World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
Yeh, H.-L. (2021, May). “Межъязыковые и межкультурные особенности письменной спонтанной речи на родном и неродном языке (на материале русского и китайского языков)”.VIII Международная научная конференция “Современные проблемы славянской филологии: интерпретации текста и толкования слова. Круглый стол памяти проф. С. И. Ожегова”, Государственный университет Чжэнчжи, Тайбэй, Тайвань.
Lin, M. S.-H. (2021). Tense and Aspect in Second Language Acquisition – Chinese learners of Czech. Taipei: Bookman Books.
Lin, M. S.-H.(2020). “Some discussions on static and dynamic spatial expressions in Czech and Chinese”. Studies in Applied Linguistics (Studie z aplikované lingvistiky) special issue, 71-87.
Chui, K. & Yeh, H.-L. (2019). Cross-linguistic perspectives on FEAR in Russian and Mandarin Chinese. II World Congress “East-West: The Intersection of Culture”, 2, 728-734.
Chui, K., Yeh, H.-L. & Tsai, J.-L. (2019). A corpus study of linguistic-cultural conceptualization of FEAR in Chinese and Russian. Proceedings of the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, 123-128.
Chui, K., Yeh, H.-L., Lan, W.-C. & Cheng, Y.-H. (2015). Clausal‐packaging of path of motion in Mandarin learners’ acquisition of Russian and Spanish. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 13(1), 1-23.
https://lcsl.nccu.edu.tw/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/magnifier-2.png512512丁 希彤https://lcsl.nccu.edu.tw/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/001-182x200.png丁 希彤2021-08-15 22:21:442024-11-20 15:04:41研究成果列表 Repository of Scientific Publications and Presentations Based on LCSL